
Monday, August 12, 2013

Ramble Post // A feel good moment

I gotta be honest here, I'm feeling really bummed out the past couple of weeks, my heads really been filled with thoughts and well, there seems to be no end.. just plain restless per se.
I guess because without realizing it, it's already August! I cannot believe how time flies so fast or how distracted I came to be these past couple of months. I've been wandering and going auto-pilot in life, but what really is going auto-pilot?

I truly understand and know that my grammar nor my words are not amazing, but hell whatever comes to my mind, goes. 

I'm not entirely sure why but I find it really difficult to concentrate so these post are simply just rambling like crazy. 

Today, I was at the subway listening to my usual podcast; "This American Life", you guys should check it out, it's really great and very interesting to listen to especially when you're traveling a long mile. Going back, I was listening to their most recent entry and it deals with views from IN here. Views of 3 different people in three different places, in three different situations. I have to say I'm not done with the pod cast yet and I've only gone up to the 2nd person, and I have to say that the more I listen to lives of different people, the broader my perspective in life changes. I'm not going to review what I heard as it might cause some offense (ha ha) but this is more rather a reflection of what I thought of it and how this topic will change in another subject, trust. As I was listening to the podcast, I thought to myself that living here in America is totally different from what is depicted, well.... anywhere.

Sure America is amazing and gives you a lot of open doors but as the old saying,  'With great power comes great responsibilities" (Spider-man moment), and well we often forget.


We are all alike and sometimes we forget that, my post is a feel good moment because I just realized that pain does go away and sorrow does not stay. With that being said, I want to tell my readers not a simple, "It gets better".

It gets better.

Really, it does. my previous post talks about a song from a famous rapper once again standing up to what we have all forgotten when our forefathers built a foundation to our nation... the Constitution. We have equal rights, but it seems like it's been forgotten, don't you think?

But it gets better.

Not all phase last, that's why it's called a phase. It's the 2013 and I'm pretty elated to say that once again, Times are changing and more and more people are adapting to change. When it comes to equal rights, it'll soon be obtained.

It does get better.

Thanks for tuning in~
(ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)

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